STEP SIX: Once the armor has been attached, you can focus on the helmet. Find where you want to place your armor on the jumpsuit, add glue around the edges, and press and firmly for a few moments. Sewing works best, but if you don’t have a machine or aren’t good with a needle and thread, opt for something else. STEP FIVE: With the weapon and the armor painted, we turned our attention to actually attaching the armor to the suit. This process can take a long time so be sure to a lot plenty of time for painting. There was a thin groove along both sides of the stock that we decided to paint orange to really add some flair.

We painted the barrel grey along with other accents like the clip. The bolt handle and other accent points worked great for a black and red touch. This left us with an unflattering monstrosity that was basically black and "toy orange." Enter the acrylic paint portion. Once the black dried, we removed the painters' tape. STEP FOUR: Once everything is taped, it's time to paint! Be careful with the paint - hold it a foot or two away from the gun and do your best to apply an even coat. Try your best to keep any lines created by the tape clean and smooth. We taped the handle and barrel so we could spray only the gun stock a flat black. After sanding, tape off the sections of the gun you don’t want to be painted with painters tape. We started by lightly sanding almost the entire gun, which helps the plastic take the paint. STEP THREE: The gun we used is huge! It’s also very red and obviously a Nerf gun. While you’re waiting for the paint to dry, move on to the gun. Let the armor dry properly and reapply the paint if necessary to get your desired look. We went with a mix of forest green, black, brown, and bronze to match the look on our inspiration photo. Once you have the armor removed, go to a well-ventilated area and give the pieces a good coat of the spray paint in the colors you’ve selected. Be careful, you don’t want to cut or damage the pieces. STEP TWO: Take the Halo armor and remove the armor pieces from the fabric. Your hunter suit doesn’t have to be a one piece, but it makes it a bit easier to manage and it gives the costume an accurate look for someone exploring other planets with potentially inhospitable atmospheres. This is your bottom layer that will be used to attach other items. STEP ONE: Start with the Black Widow jumpsuit. Anything else you have around your house to make the costume more realistic (we repurposed an old Star Wars clone trooper mask as a shoulder piece).Mirrored tint film (from a hardware store).For this look, we used red, gray, black, and orange for the modeling paint, and forest green, black, brown, white, and bronze for the spray paint.

Paint – Acrylic modeling paint and spray paint.Something to serve as air purifiers on the mask.
#Destiny hunter helmet cosplay update
We used the high-res images Bungie released in their August 22 weekly update for reference and went with the green and brown Hunter look. Warlocks wear the lightest armor, but often have intricate designs on their robes and special effects on their armor. The Titan is the heavy armor wearing Guardian. If the using brute strength or magic is more your thing consider using the Titan or Warlock as your class. Hunters aren’t the only Guardians out patrolling and questing in the Sol System. Then, September 2015 saw the release of the first major expansion, The Taken King, which has renewed fan’s love of Destiny, with many players and critics saying that The Taken King is what Destiny was meant to be all along. The first two minor expansions, The Dark Below and The House of Wolves, were both released. The hunter class and the Awoken make for an accessible, but intricate-looking costume that even inexperienced DIY-ers should be able to tackle for their next Destiny cosplay.Ģ015 Update: Destiny has come a long way in just one year. There have been several of these costumes spotted out in the wild, so we were inspired to try our hand at a hunter costume. We thought it would be great to bring this game to life with a DIY Destiny costume. The playable races in the game add a nice element as well, and none are so eerily haunting and beautiful as the Awoken. The levels are beautiful - don’t even get us started on those sky boxes! The distinct classes and the abundance of customizable gear add substance to the gorgeous worlds created by Bungie. This ambitious game is the best-selling new IP of all time. Destiny, one of the most anticipated video game releases of the year, just launched on September 9th.